
Australian Cancer Research Foundation (02774727) New South Wales

02774727 is the ACN Number of Australian Cancer Research Foundation which was founded on 18/06/1984 The Australian Cancer Research Foundation is registered under LMGT (Limited by Guarantee) that means the Australian Cancer Research Foundation company members liability is limited to a certain amount that they undertake to contribute in case of a winding up. The amount is specified in a clause in the Memorandum of Association (MOA) of the Australian Cancer Research Foundation. A member of a Australian Cancer Research Foundation limited by guarantee is not required to in any capital while the Australian Cancer Research Foundation company is a going concern. Australian Cancer Research Foundation is a Australian public company company which is currently REGD (Registered). The current location of the Australian Cancer Research Foundation is New South Wales which state registration number is 33715201.0 is the ABN number (Australian Business Number) of Australian Cancer Research Foundation

Australian Cancer Research Foundation (02774727) New South Wales

All information about Australian Cancer Research Foundation
Australian Company Number (ACN) 02774727
Company Type Australian public company
Company Class Limited by Guarantee
Company Sub Class Company licensed under Section 383 of the Corporations Act 2001 to omit Limited from its name.
Company Status Registered
Company Registration Date 18/06/1984
Previous State Of Registration New South Wales
State Registration Number 33715201
Australian Cancer Research Foundation Australian Business Number (ABN) 0

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