04344914 is the ACN Number of G. Gibson & Associates Limited which was founded on 30/09/1955 The G. Gibson & Associates Limited is registered under LMSH (Limited by Shares) that means the liability of the G. Gibson & Associates Limited company members is limited to the amount unpaid on their shares. G. Gibson & Associates Limited company shareholders are not required to contribute any further monies (in the case of a winding up) if the shares they have taken up are fully paid. G. Gibson & Associates Limited is a Australian Proprietary Company company which is currently REGD (Registered). The current location of the G. Gibson & Associates Limited is Victoria which state registration number is C0034118E.76004344914 is the ABN number (Australian Business Number) of G. Gibson & Associates Limited
G. Gibson & Associates Limited (04344914) Victoria
All information about G. Gibson & Associates Limited | |
Australian Company Number (ACN) | 04344914 |
Company Type | Australian Proprietary Company |
Company Class | Limited by Shares |
Company Sub Class | Proprietary other. |
Company Status | Registered |
Company Registration Date | 30/09/1955 |
Previous State Of Registration | Victoria |
State Registration Number | C0034118E |
G. Gibson & Associates Limited Australian Business Number (ABN) | 76004344914 |
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