010580480 is the ACN Number of Pacific Health Pty. Ltd. which was founded on 07/06/1985 The Pacific Health Pty. Ltd. is registered under LMSH (Limited by Shares) that means the liability of the Pacific Health Pty. Ltd. company members is limited to the amount unpaid on their shares. Pacific Health Pty. Ltd. company shareholders are not required to contribute any further monies (in the case of a winding up) if the shares they have taken up are fully paid. Pacific Health Pty. Ltd. is a Australian Proprietary Company company which is currently REGD (Registered). The current location of the Pacific Health Pty. Ltd. is Queensland which state registration number is 85B03266Y.0 is the ABN number (Australian Business Number) of Pacific Health Pty. Ltd.
Pacific Health Pty. Ltd. (010580480) Queensland
All information about Pacific Health Pty. Ltd. | |
Australian Company Number (ACN) | 010580480 |
Company Type | Australian Proprietary Company |
Company Class | Limited by Shares |
Company Sub Class | Proprietary other. |
Company Status | Registered |
Company Registration Date | 07/06/1985 |
Previous State Of Registration | Queensland |
State Registration Number | 85B03266Y |
Pacific Health Pty. Ltd. Australian Business Number (ABN) | 0 |
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