Abelwood International Pte. Ltd. is a na company, 200822894K is the UEN (Unique Entity Number) of Abelwood International Pte. Ltd. which registered office address is International Plaza, Anson Road, Singapore (79903). The Abelwood International Pte. Ltd. was incorporated on 10 Dec 2008 and the primary ssic code of this company is 64202 which is described as Other Holding Companies. The current status of Abelwood International Pte. Ltd. is Struck Off. The secondary SSIC code of Abelwood International Pte. Ltd. is 96099 which is described as Other Personal Service Activities N.e.c.. There are 3 officers in Abelwood International Pte. Ltd..
Abelwood International Pte. Ltd. (200822894K)
All information about Abelwood International Pte. Ltd. | |
UEN (Unique Entity Number) | 200822894K |
UEN Issue Date | 2008-12-16 00:00:00 |
Incorporation Date | 10 Dec 2008 |
Address | International Plaza, Anson Road, Singapore (79903) |
Primary SSIC Code | 64202 |
Primary User Described Activity | na |
Secondary SSIC Code | 96099 |
Secondary User Described Activity | na |
Current Status | Struck Off |
Type | na |
Entity Type Description | Local Company |
Business Constitution Description of Abelwood International Pte. Ltd. | na |
No of Officers in Abelwood International Pte. Ltd. | 3 |
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