Bai-makrood Thai Restaurant is a Sole Proprietor company, 52882118X is the UEN (Unique Entity Number) of Bai-makrood Thai Restaurant which registered office address is East Point, Simei Street 6, Singapore (528833). The Bai-makrood Thai Restaurant was incorporated on 15 Dec 1998 and the primary ssic code of this company is 56111 which is described as Restaurants. The current status of Bai-makrood Thai Restaurant is Ceased Registration. The secondary SSIC code of Bai-makrood Thai Restaurant is na which is described as Na. There are 2 officers in Bai-makrood Thai Restaurant.
Bai-makrood Thai Restaurant (52882118X)
All information about Bai-makrood Thai Restaurant | |
UEN (Unique Entity Number) | 52882118X |
UEN Issue Date | 2008-09-11 00:00:00 |
Incorporation Date | 15 Dec 1998 |
Address | East Point, Simei Street 6, Singapore (528833) |
Primary SSIC Code | 56111 |
Primary SSIC Description | RESTAURANTS |
Primary User Described Activity | na |
Secondary SSIC Code | na |
Secondary SSIC Description | na |
Secondary User Described Activity | na |
Current Status | Ceased Registration |
Type | Sole Proprietor |
Entity Type Description | Business |
Business Constitution Description of Bai-makrood Thai Restaurant | Sole Proprietor |
No of Officers in Bai-makrood Thai Restaurant | 2 |
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