
Bel's Wardrobe (53074070B)

Bel's Wardrobe is a Sole Proprietor company, 53074070B is the UEN (Unique Entity Number) of Bel's Wardrobe which registered office address is Enterprise One, Kaki Bukit Road 1, Singapore (415934). The Bel's Wardrobe was incorporated on 07 Aug 2006 and the primary ssic code of this company is 47711 which is described as Retail Sale Of Clothing For Adults. The current status of Bel's Wardrobe is na. The secondary SSIC code of Bel's Wardrobe is na which is described as Na. There are 2 officers in Bel's Wardrobe.

Bel's Wardrobe (53074070B)

All information about Bel's Wardrobe
UEN (Unique Entity Number) 53074070B
UEN Issue Date 2008-09-13 00:00:00
Incorporation Date 07 Aug 2006
Address Enterprise One, Kaki Bukit Road 1, Singapore (415934)
Primary SSIC Code 47711
Primary User Described Activity na
Secondary SSIC Code na
Secondary SSIC Description na
Secondary User Described Activity na
Current Status na
Type Sole Proprietor
Entity Type Description Business
Business Constitution Description of Bel's Wardrobe Sole Proprietor
No of Officers in Bel's Wardrobe 2

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