Blissknot Productions is a Sole Proprietor company, 53389337B is the UEN (Unique Entity Number) of Blissknot Productions which registered office address is Macpherson Garden Estate, Jalan Setia, Singapore (368491). The Blissknot Productions was incorporated on 30 Oct 2018 and the primary ssic code of this company is 74201 which is described as Photo Taking Services (eg Portrait Or Studio Photography). The current status of Blissknot Productions is Live. The secondary SSIC code of Blissknot Productions is na which is described as Na. There are 1 officers in Blissknot Productions.
Blissknot Productions (53389337B)
All information about Blissknot Productions | |
UEN (Unique Entity Number) | 53389337B |
UEN Issue Date | 2018-10-30 00:00:00 |
Incorporation Date | 30 Oct 2018 |
Address | Macpherson Garden Estate, Jalan Setia, Singapore (368491) |
Primary SSIC Code | 74201 |
Primary User Described Activity | PHOTOGRAPHY & VIDEOGRAPHY SERVICES |
Secondary SSIC Code | na |
Secondary SSIC Description | na |
Secondary User Described Activity | PHOTOGRAPHY & VIDEOGRAPHY SERVICES |
Current Status | Live |
Type | Sole Proprietor |
Entity Type Description | Business |
Business Constitution Description of Blissknot Productions | Sole Proprietor |
No of Officers in Blissknot Productions | 1 |
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