
Capgrow Pte. Ltd. (201434981C)

Capgrow Pte. Ltd. is a na company, 201434981C is the UEN (Unique Entity Number) of Capgrow Pte. Ltd. which registered office address is Yishun Street 11, Singapore (760161). The Capgrow Pte. Ltd. was incorporated on 24 Nov 2014 and the primary ssic code of this company is 82302 which is described as Convention/conference Organisers. The current status of Capgrow Pte. Ltd. is Live Company. The secondary SSIC code of Capgrow Pte. Ltd. is 85491 which is described as Corporate Training Services And Motivational Course Providers. There are 2 officers in Capgrow Pte. Ltd..

Capgrow Pte. Ltd. (201434981C)

All information about Capgrow Pte. Ltd.
UEN (Unique Entity Number) 201434981C
UEN Issue Date 2014-12-02 00:00:00
Incorporation Date 24 Nov 2014
Address Yishun Street 11, Singapore (760161)
Primary SSIC Code 82302
Primary User Described Activity ORGANIZE CONFERENCES
Secondary SSIC Code 85491
Secondary User Described Activity PROVIDE TRAINING FOR CORPORATES
Current Status Live Company
Type na
Entity Type Description Local Company
Business Constitution Description of Capgrow Pte. Ltd. na
No of Officers in Capgrow Pte. Ltd. 2

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