
Cellular Express (s) Pte Ltd (199500810K)

Cellular Express (s) Pte Ltd is a na company, 199500810K is the UEN (Unique Entity Number) of Cellular Express (s) Pte Ltd which registered office address is Uob Plaza 1, Raffles Place, Singapore (48624). The Cellular Express (s) Pte Ltd was incorporated on 02 Feb 1995 and the primary ssic code of this company is 26301 which is described as Manufacture Of Telecommunications Apparatus (eg Pbx Equipment, Telephones Except Cellular). The current status of Cellular Express (s) Pte Ltd is Struck Off. The secondary SSIC code of Cellular Express (s) Pte Ltd is na which is described as Na. There are 4 officers in Cellular Express (s) Pte Ltd.

Cellular Express (s) Pte Ltd (199500810K)

All information about Cellular Express (s) Pte Ltd
UEN (Unique Entity Number) 199500810K
UEN Issue Date 2008-09-10 00:00:00
Incorporation Date 02 Feb 1995
Address Uob Plaza 1, Raffles Place, Singapore (48624)
Primary SSIC Code 26301
Primary User Described Activity na
Secondary SSIC Code na
Secondary SSIC Description na
Secondary User Described Activity na
Current Status Struck Off
Type na
Entity Type Description Local Company
Business Constitution Description of Cellular Express (s) Pte Ltd na
No of Officers in Cellular Express (s) Pte Ltd 4

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