
Chong Hua Hun Contractor (25560000C)

Chong Hua Hun Contractor is a Sole Proprietor company, 25560000C is the UEN (Unique Entity Number) of Chong Hua Hun Contractor which registered office address is Waterloo View, Waterloo Street, Singapore (187963). The Chong Hua Hun Contractor was incorporated on 06 Aug 1979 and the primary ssic code of this company is 42909 which is described as Construction Of Other Civil Engineering Projects N.e.c. (eg Playground Systems). The current status of Chong Hua Hun Contractor is Live. The secondary SSIC code of Chong Hua Hun Contractor is na which is described as Na. There are 1 officers in Chong Hua Hun Contractor.

Chong Hua Hun Contractor (25560000C)

All information about Chong Hua Hun Contractor
UEN (Unique Entity Number) 25560000C
UEN Issue Date 2008-09-09 00:00:00
Incorporation Date 06 Aug 1979
Address Waterloo View, Waterloo Street, Singapore (187963)
Primary SSIC Code 42909
Primary User Described Activity na
Secondary SSIC Code na
Secondary SSIC Description na
Secondary User Described Activity na
Current Status Live
Type Sole Proprietor
Entity Type Description Business
Business Constitution Description of Chong Hua Hun Contractor Sole Proprietor
No of Officers in Chong Hua Hun Contractor 1

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