OC419973 is the company number of Aarkay Properties Llp and 27 Beechcroft Road, Post Town:- Bushey, County:- Hertfordshire, Country:- England, Post Code:- Wd23 2ju is the registered office address of Aarkay Properties Llp which origin country is United Kingdom. Aarkay Properties Llp is a Limited Liability Partnership which current status is Active. The nature of business of Aarkay Properties Llp is None Supplied and total general partners is 0 and total limited partners is 0. The Aarkay Properties Llp was incorporated on 20/11/2017.
Aarkay Properties Llp (OC419973) Bushey
All information about Aarkay Properties Llp company | |
Company Number | OC419973 |
Company Status | Active |
Incorporation Date | 20/11/2017 |
Town/City | Bushey |
Company Category | Limited Liability Partnership |
Nature of Business | None Supplied |
SIC Code | None |
General Partners | 0 |
Limited Partners | 0 |
Accounts Category | Total Exemption Full |
Last Accounts Made Up Date | 05-04-20 |
Next Accounts Due Date | 05-01-22 |
Last Returns Made Up Date | |
Next Returns Due Date | 18/12/2018 |
Registered Office Address | Official address of Aarkay Properties Llp is : 27 Beechcroft Road, Post Town:- Bushey, County:- Hertfordshire, Country:- England, Post Code:- Wd23 2ju |
Origin Country | United Kingdom |
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