
Abraxas Catering Equipment Limited (06371598) Droitwich

06371598 is the company number of Abraxas Catering Equipment Limited and Unit 8, Building 329 Rushock Trading Estate, Droitwich Road, Post Town:- Droitwich, Country:- England, Post Code:- Wr9 0nr is the registered office address of Abraxas Catering Equipment Limited which origin country is United Kingdom. Abraxas Catering Equipment Limited is a Private Limited Company which current status is Active. The nature of business of Abraxas Catering Equipment Limited is 33200 - Installation Of Industrial Machinery And Equipment and total general partners is 0 and total limited partners is 0. The Abraxas Catering Equipment Limited was incorporated on 14/09/2007.

Abraxas Catering Equipment Limited (06371598) Droitwich

All information about Abraxas Catering Equipment Limited company
Company Number 06371598
Company Status Active
Incorporation Date 14/09/2007
Town/City Droitwich
Company Category Private Limited Company
Nature of Business 33200 - Installation Of Industrial Machinery And Equipment
SIC Code 33200
General Partners 0
Limited Partners 0
Accounts Category Unaudited Abridged
Last Accounts Made Up Date 30/09/2020
Next Accounts Due Date 30/06/2022
Last Returns Made Up Date 14/09/2015
Next Returns Due Date 12-10-16
Registered Office Address Official address of Abraxas Catering Equipment Limited is : Unit 8, Building 329 Rushock Trading Estate, Droitwich Road, Post Town:- Droitwich, Country:- England, Post Code:- Wr9 0nr
Origin Country United Kingdom

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